i3m I3M 2010

The 7th International Mediterranean and Latin American Modelling Multiconference

Fes, Morocco - October 13 - 15, 2010


Please complete and submit this application form.
A confirmation will be sent to you by email.
This confirmation will have to be sent back with your payment to :

Promo Sciences
7 Impasse Roqueplan
F-13002 Marseille

Tél. : +33-4-91-91-24-89
Fax : +33-4-91-91-76-83

  Mr. Mrs Ms             Fields marked with * are required.
Family Name *   Given Name *
Affiliation / Institution / Company *
Postal Address *
Zip Code *     Town / City *
Country *
Telephone * (Please, include country code and area code)
Mobile Phone      Fax
E-mail *
 Author :
 I submitted a paper for the conference : Yes - No
 Paper ID
 Conferences :
 I wish to register for : EMSS - MAS - HMS - IMAACA

  Early registration
until 15 July, 2010
Late registration
From July 16th, 2010
Regular registration  350 €  450 €
Accompanying person
     Additionnal Lunches :
          Wednesday 13: Number
          Thursday 14: Number
          Friday 15: Number
     Additionnal Dinner :
          Thursday 14: Number

 40 €

 60 €

 40 €

 60 €

To benefit of the early registration fees
  Your payment has to reach us before July 15th, 2010 (even for participants sending an order form)
The conference registration includes participation and admission to the conference, lunches, dinner and coffee breaks.
  It doesn't include the accompanying persons registration.
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to send an email
Registration will be made only if payment is sent. Payment must be in Euros.
All charges due to bank transfer or payment by cheque have to be paid by the participant

Cheque to the order of PROMO SCIENCES   -    Credit card
Order Form (French Universities Only)   -    Bank Transfer
Cancellation & Refunding
Cancellations and Refund requests, received in writing before September 15, 2010 will be subject to a 50 € administrative processing fee.
No refunds are available after September 15, 2010.

Last update : 05/17/2016