Editorial - Welcome message
Mr Alberto GARRE LÓPEZ, President of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia
In the Region of Murcia, the saying that "water is life", is more than just a motto, it is an unquestionable reality. Our region occupies one end of the Mediterranean Basin which is influenced by the extreme problem of scarcity and water stress. A place where the efficient use of this precious resource is not only one of our main challenges, but also a sign of distinction itself. We are thus proud to host this 2nd Mediterranean Water Forum.
A meeting to allow the sharing of experiences, knowledge, innovation and technological advances, as well as addressing key issues such as water governance and the water-energy nexus, with the key objective of increasing the competitiveness of the Mediterranean area through its water resources.
Such a valuable initiative will provide the best solutions to deal decisively and effectively with the problems inherent to the management of water resources and adaptation to climate change.
Welcome to this Region that gladly hosts the 2nd Mediterranean Water Forum and that always offers those who may need it its secular expertise in the use, management and reuse of water.
Mrs Milagros COUCHOUD GREGORI, President of IME
The experience of holding REGIONAL WATER FORA, in the different regions of the world, which are part of the Regional Processes towards the World Water Forum, shows us the effectiveness of this cooperation tool in the development of preparatory activities, which optimize and simplify the effort that is implied in taking the voice and know-how of a region to the worldwide context of a Forum.
The Mediterranean has joined forces with these processes, and in this framework we will be holding in Murcia in November our 2nd Mediterranean Water Forum, in response to the invitation made by the government of that region on the occasion of the 1st Forum, held in Marrakech in 2011.
In a preparatory working meeting held in Rabat in June, the themes to be discussed were defined, based on the thematic framework proposed for the 7th World Water Forum, those that are most specific to our Mediterranean countries, and in which we have most experience and solutions to share.
Conscious of the difficulty of our physical presence in Korea, due to our region’s socio-economic and political situation, we want the Murcia Forum to be an event that gathers the experiences and the great knowledge of our countries, companies and institutions that make up the Mediterranean Water Community and presents them in Korea.